Entrepreneur Best Tips Starting Day

Entrepreneur Best Tips Starting Day
December 5, 2017 Tommy Fabianus

Hi There!

Soon, It’s going to be Monday again …. most of you guys really hate Monday, I know that for a fact, but you shouldn’t!

If you are a 9 to 5 employee and planning to do the same rat race for the rest of your life, by all means, hate Monday! But if you are reading this I’m sure you are here because you want to be more than that, you want to be great! Good is never good enough. I’m not talking to entrepreneurs exclusively, but also to those who want to climb their career path faster.

What I’ve learned after being on both sides whether as an employee or entrepreneur is you need to start your day with a pow! And remember, those who spend more hours working efficiently is always a winner, work smarter doesn’t mean you do not work hard. Trust me and trust every success story out there, if you work with the same attitude and mentality as your lazy colleague at your workplace, you will keep complaining about the shitty job you have ten years from now.

I know it’s not easy and it won’t be any easier, but when you already catch the wave and ride with it, trust me you won’t stop.

Let me help you with a motivational video I found on youtube, listen to this before you start your day, there are hundreds of similar videos you can use. And a cup of coffee to complete it all.

Hope this helps to boost your day and your week, remember:

Good Is Never Good Enough!

Have a great week ahead! We will make great things happen!

Written by Tommy Fabianus. The writer is the managing partner of Essentials, a website design and branding agency based in Jakarta, Indonesia.

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