I am Essentials!
The market has changed, and we need to adapt. Who would have imagined that today, buyers are now “window shopping” with their mobile phones — through image sharing platforms such as Instagram. Decades-old brands that defined the modern culture in the last 30 years have started to display their human side, through witty posts and comments on Twitter and Facebook.
Digitisation of business is happening, and it will not stop. It’s a fierce wave that can wash away those who can’t ride on it.
“If your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of business”
This saying above is harsh and may seem over-exaggerated. However, this was directly quoted from Bill Gates, one of the innovators who recognized the Internet as a valuable and powerful force.
The fact is, the Internet has never stopped growing, and the rate is increasing. The number of Internet users is growing at an annual rate of 7.6%, which equates to more than 900,000 users a day. Population expansion, coupled with increasing technology literacy, are the driving factors behind this growth.
This is a huge advantage for businesses that are aiming to increase brand awareness. Traditionally, achieving brand awareness can be done through loud and competitive advertising. It’s only strengthened through positive user experience and word-of-mouth.
On the Internet, the rules change. When 63.3% of Internet users use it to find information, this many people are actively reading and listening for content. A new strategy must be applied to make sure that people on the Internet know that a business exists, and love it enough to share its online presence with the rest of the world — and rumors do travel quickly online.
It’s therefore imperative to introduce a new paradigm: Digital Domination. We at Essentials define Digital Domination as the mastery of all digital assets to achieve total digital exposure and full integration across all digital assets.
It’s all or nothing with Digital Domination
A common mistake that businesses often make is that they consider a marketing platform as their sole window to customer communications. The truth is, social media platforms, websites, and applications are not competing platforms, but are a sum of one part.
This means, for example, it makes perfect sense from a marketing point of view to post on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at the same time, even if the content is more or less the same (but never identical). Even if a business already has a website, it still makes perfect sense to create a Facebook page and a Google My Business profile to enforce the brand’s online exposure.
On the Internet, your digital assets must work together to deliver the best impression to your new and existing customers when you cross paths with them. As the marketing landscape changes, with platform updates or emerging new trends, your online marketing analytics can point you to the right directions.
Marketing for people, and strategies from data
While theories in human psychology are useful to create digital campaigns for people, strategies must also rely on data. We have a saying that to generate the perfect digital campaign, one should start with data and end with data.
This approach has worked for years. Our efforts with Sunchila, an e-commerce wholesale importer in Indonesia, has succeeded in optimizing over 70 competitive search engine keywords, which placed them among the top 3 marketplaces in Indonesia. This resulted in the doubling of new and returning visitors to Sunchila over the past year.
This work is not possible without competitor analysis, search volume analysis, and trend-following content strategy for social media, ads, media relations, which includes high quality multimedia productions.
Our long-term client Senayan City, a mega-mall in South Jakarta, has always come to us to rebrand their digital assets. Our engineers have also assisted them in integrating their loyalty program system onto their private databases. This allows them to discover new business insights more efficiently.
With better quality data, Senayan City is able to work with us to form new and up-to-date marketing strategies that waste no resources.
Our next steps
In celebration of our success as a marketing consultant and agency, we have been busy sharing our knowledge and insights with businesses and university students as part of our effort to give back to the community.
This quarter, we have met with students of two universities in Tangerang, and we are preparing to approach dozens more in the next year.
We believe that more people should be aware of Digital Domination. Collectively as a nation, we can potentially dominate market niches by applying this time-tested approach, which can help add value to society as a whole.
We are essentials!